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Paul McMullan – a living, walking advert for regulation |
Well, it didn’t take long. The weekend after the Leveson
Inquiry reported, we had the fun and games of seeing Liberty director and
Leveson advisor Shami Chakrabarti having to pen a rapid response to the confusion‚
in some of the press, over her stance on the report.
Now, setting aside the questions about who exactly elected
Chakrabarti – and the organisation she heads – to the position that it appears
to hold, one can’t help but wonder if the likes of the Mail on Sunday and the Independent
(which lovely couple share a home these days) really couldn’t understand the nuances
of her original response or were motivated by something else to actively
misunderstand it.
But then again, lots of other people seem similarly
incapable of understanding the issues surrounding Leveson.
For instance, there is lots of talk about threats to a ‘free
press’. But what exactly does that mean?
Well, at it’s most simple, what people usually mean is
something that can act in the general public interest by explaining things
properly and uncovering corruption and lies etc, and holding politicians and so
forth to account.
And it cannot be difficult for many to agree is a good
But that is not, in general, what we have in the UK today.
Instead, what we have is a press that is, generally, owned by
individuals for the sake of profit and their own agendas.
Now, for the sake of clarity: I have nothing whatsoever
against profit – indeed, as a freelancer, I like it. Goodness – couldn’t I make
a bit more myself?!
In terms of the press, though, there is the potential for
conflict between the drive for profit and the general public interest ˆ not
least where news isn’t considered sexy‚ enough to get readers and advertising.
Over the years, it’s meant, for instance, that some missing
children are considered more worthy of space than others – usually because
pictures of pretty, white girls make better front pages.
In other words, profit has been one of the drivers of the
general dumbing-down of the UK press over the last 20-30 years, whereby we’ve
arrived at a point where news‚ is dominated by who tweeted what, who slept with
whom, and which celebrity fell out of what nightclub at 3am.
Now it may well be that that is what the great British
public wants from its press – but let’s not pretend that, if that is the case,
it’s what the concept of a ‘free press’ is really about.
Then there’s that agendas bit. Now again, let’s not be
All newspaper proprietors will have their own political
views, and will want to disseminate them. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
But in the last decades, we’ve seen a serious crumbling of
the once sacred wall that divided reporting and editorialisation as the British
press has slumped toward a sort of Fox News approach, the kind of thing that Rupert Murdoch espouses as his answer to supposed elitism.
Even a once fine newspaper such as the Telegraph does it these days. In the past, you’d buy it for its
quality of news coverage, even if you didn’t always agree with the editorial
line, but the two were clearly defined.
And if conflating reporting and editorial isn’t bad enough,
papers further dumb down matters by employing the likes of Jeremy Clarkson or
Julie Bindel as columnists.
Okay – Clarkson can at least be funny, but he’s no more a
philosopher, say, than Richard Littlejohn. Oh.
And Bindel’s continued contributions to the Guardian simply serve to allow
hand-wringing liberals a bit of ‘acceptable’ bigotry.
Look across the Channel and it’s a different world. When
the French were having their burqa debate, for instance, the public discussion
was not drawn along strictly tribal political lines.
For instance, one of the commentators was a left-wing
female philosopher who was in favour of a ban, but articulated her reasons in a
nuanced way. Philosophically, in other words.
Similarly, if there is a strike in France, papers might not
agree with that action, but there will be a pattern of all press – from across
the political spectrum – actually analysing the reasons for industrial action,
and discussing it in a way that at least examines the issues.
And French newspapers are refreshingly free of those 3am
nightclub stories.
They are not, however, run by the state or as organs of the
state – they are private companies. Which rather suggests that you don’t need
to print a diet of salacious gossip or infantilised opinion in order to make
But fair enough: if you’re going to turn news into
knee-jerkery and titilating entertainment because it sells, that’s your
decision. Just don’t try to pretend that it’s about ‘free press’. It’s not.
Indeed, it was the late Sir Robin Day who once noted: “Only
two newspapers tell the truth. The Financial
Times, which tells the truth for the business community, and the Morning Star, which tells the truth for
the workers”.
There is, of course, plenty of other hypocrisy in all this.
Imagine if you will, editor Paul Dacre at the Mail suggesting that it would be a good idea for trade unions to
regulate themselves. No?
But, as the late Frank Carson would have said: “There’s
Many of those now shrilling the loudest about the idea of
any form of meaningful (independent) regulation are, in effect, defending the
intrusion into people’s private lives on the grounds of profit.
Because profit was the only motive for the stories about
Max Mosely, for instance. The News of the
World tried to confect a public interest argument – and failed.
The idea that, when someone is in the public eye, they are automatically
demanding to be followed and photographed everywhere etc is a nonsense.
Some might – some do – but it’s hard to imagine it wouldn’t
be a better world by ignoring such attention-seekers and not pandering to their
demand for attention, let alone then deciding that anyone else remotely in the
public eye (well, in the entertainment world, at any rate) is fair game.
And let’s note what should be obvious: making a film or
writing a book is not one and the same as demanding to be followed and reported
everywhere, any more than writing a column or editing a paper is also a demand
for an end to one’s privacy.
So when some in the media wail about ‘a free press’, what
they’re actually meaning is a press that is free to invade people’s privacy for
no reason other that profit by publishing salacious stories.
What is odd about this is that it seems unlikely that the
same people would also ever applaud or have applauded countries where the state
invaded people’s privacy to the extent of persecuting them for what they wrote
or said or read, whether for reasons of religious or political ideology.
Few would support such totalitarianism, but if not, why
fall for a line that a ‘free press’ needs to invade people’s privacy for
salacious entertainment that does not have the support of a genuine public
interest argument?
That is one of the things highlighted by Leveson, together
with other similarly irresponsible behaviour, in the name of sensation that, as
Leveson himself said, has caused “havoc” in people’s lives.
One of the most tragic cases raised again at Leveson was
that of murdered Glasgow schoolgirl Diane Watson, about whom a series of lies
were published in two Scottish newspapers, plus Marie Claire magazine. Her brother later killed himself and was
found clutching the articles about his sister.
The murder happened in 1991. One of the two papers, the Herald, only managed an apology in 2011,
after Diane’s parents had appeared at the Leveson Inquiry. It was itself under
different ownership by then.
The journalist who concocted stories about their daughter,
claiming she was a bully and had, in effect, contributed to her own murder,
claimed to have been shocked to have been personally mentioned at Leveson.
Perhaps if he had not taken a decision to invent stories to
support his own agenda, that surprise wouldn’t have occurred.
There was the case of Mosely’s son, who suffered from
depression and died of a drug overdose within a year of the News of the World story, which might or
might not have pushed him over the edge.
Mosely himself has described how, when going to his son’s
flat to deal with his remaining belongings, the place was subject of a press
scrum. One wonders what public interest was served by that?
And then there’s the story of how News of the World hack Paul McMullan drove the mentally ill and
drug-addicted daughter of the late Denholm Elliot to suicide by luring her into
prostituting herself so he could take nude photographs of her for the paper
and, in his own words, impress his new boss, Piers Morgan.
This is the same McMullan who has also claimed that the
only people who want privacy are paedophiles – which quite splendid piece of
utter fuckwittedness has the ring of Orwell’s 1984 about it.
And all this is without mentioning the links between
elements of the press and the police in the case of the murder of Daniel
It is without mentioning the complicity of swathes of the
British press in the 20-plus year cover up of what happened at Hillsborough.
And so on.
None of these were accidents. They illustrate a culture that exists – a culture that is being defended by an assortment of individuals and groups.
It takes some contortions to pretend that any of this is
remotely justifiable – or that the state of the British press is, in general,
something to be proud of and something to defend.
Independent regulation works fine in places such as Finland
and Denmark – the former is consistently number 1 in the International Press
Freedom Index, even with (gasp) statutory underpinnings.
the UK, independent regulation doesn’t seem to upset anybody when applied
to, say, advertising.
It seems that the real problems people have with the
thought of independent regulation are nothing to do with any concept of a ‘free
press’, and everything to do with either reducing the ability to profit from
the private lives of others – and a sort of fundamentalist small statism that
has to pretend that none of the above problems and contradictions exist or need
dealing with, in order to continue with it’s view that even an independent
regulator would be state intervention and the end of life as we know it.
A free press? Yes – that would be most welcome.
I've just posted a link to this piece, hoping to reassure these two dopes on twitter: @MadamMiaow @hangbitch
ReplyDeleteCheers, Coddy. Perhaps it'll help a bit.